404 Error in webservice

Hello, i’m totally new in slim project and i need some help

We have change our server from ovh to another register and since the webservices doesn’t work…

We think it’s not due to our script … but a configuration of server…

When we launch our url webservice > it launch 404 error from slim…

So what can we do for that ?


Hello Sebastien,

I would start with trying to determine if Slim is being called and if Slim actually runs on your new server. You may have already tried these steps, but I can’t make that out from your description.

I would first try to determine wether Slim is being called or you are getting a 404 page from the web server. If you know Slim is being called and runs, I would try a very simple Slim application and see if that works to determine if it is a web server issue or something in the code. something like:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Slim\App;
$app->get('/', function ($request, $response) {
    $response->getBody()->write("Hello from Slim");
    return $response;

