My names is Yann. I am a new user from Slim.
When processing a form with checkboxes, if they are empty (false), it returns an empty array. I need to indicate NULL in my database field.
To do this, I added a condition in the process.
if($request->getMethod() === 'POST') {
$data = $request->getParsedBody();
// Permet de renvoyer null si la checkboxe n'est pas cochée
if (!isset($data['is_blacklisted'])){$data['is_blacklisted'] = null;}
if (!isset($data['open_portal'])){$data['open_portal'] = null;}
$this->getRepository(Customer::class)->update($data, $id);
$this->flash->addMessage('info', 'Paramètres mis à jour');
return $response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', '/admin/customers/' . $id .'/parameters');
Is this the right solution or Slim allows you to do it more “cleanly”?
Thank you.
“Sorry for my English”