Debugbar for Slim3

lets begin :slight_smile:
any suggestions welcome

PhpInfoPanel - full phpinfo(),
SlimEnvironmentPanel - RAW data Slim Environments,
SlimRequestPanel - RAW data Slim Request,
SlimResponsePanel - RAW data Slim Response,
SlimRouterPanel - RAW data Slim Router,

all configurable

VendorVersionsPanel - version info from composer.json and composer.lock
XDebugHelper tab - start and stop a Xdebug session

up to v.0.1.6


  • Included Files panel
  • Panel Selector

Configure panel by click

Thank you; I was pretty active a while ago but have been sidetracked by some personal issues & mishaps. I’m getting back into the Slim game now again and will check this out next week. Appreciate you publishing this.

Ok, thanks.Wait comments either good or bad and while try build simple terminal.

up to v.0.2.0


  • PTY Console
  • Profiler Panel

1 Like

I finally got around to installing/integrating this. I must say a huge “Thank You” because this is simply awesome …

Everybody else: if you’re writing anything which is more complex than just the bare basics are you’re doing it without this addon, you’re missing out! Give this a try!


One small request though (maybe this already exists and I missed it): Is it possible to add a global “disable” switch … I only want to make this available in “dev” mode and so far I don’t seem to be able to disable it without commenting out the code. Thanks once again :smile:

now write phpunit tests and i see “dev” mode need, because annoying “header already send” when Tracy enabled. now only must comment Tracy.
but if you want simply disable all panels (except panel selector) then in panel selector click “Reset”.

repo recently moved to github and all comments welcomed.
thank You!

Actually, what would be really cool (I’m not even sure if this is possible) is if it were possible to specify a (SESSION?) variable which would enable the tracing/debugging. That way it would be possible to have admin users see this and normal users not see this.

but if you want simply disable all panels (except panel selector) then in panel selector click “Reset”.

OK, I guess that would work but I would like to be able to get rid of any trace of this for regular users in production mode without having to change/edit code …

no problem except one → how do I know who is allowed? session, cookie?
show panels used cookie. maybe also with show Tracy?
such as ‘tracyAllowedUsers’ with hash (separate from ‘ConsoleAccounts’)

'tracyAllowedUsers' => [
        'dev' => '34c6fceca75e456f25e7e99531e2425c6c1de443',// = sha1('dev')
        'nextUser' => 'nextUser hash'

also with session …

then i check user (session/cookie) in middleware and if not allowed hide debugger.

fake example:

if(!isset($_COOKIE['adminsid2'])) {
    \Tracy\Debugger::$showBar = false;
    return $res;

Well! ready for use clean version 0.2.4

Upgraded and everything works well/fine. Thank you very much!

This works great for me locally but on my server it doesn’t. Are there any non-obvious reasons (such as requiring specific PHP extensions, etc.) why this might not show up on my server?

Thanks a lot & happy new year!

not enough information.
php ver, errors?
you do not forget to configure tracy?
P.S. travis run test on 5.6.5, 7.0.14, 7.1.0, HHVM-3.6.6

The only obvious difference between the server and my local machine is that the server (same version of PHP, latest v7 build for Ubuntu 16.04) does not have XDebug installed. Is it required?