How to add more php files in index.php

Hi all,
How to add more php files in index.php file.
For example:

$routes = require __DIR__ . '/../app/routes.php';

There is two line written in index.php to call the routes.php file.

The Same thing, I want to add another php file like that one.
I tried the same method. But did not worked.

Any suggestion or help?


It will depends on how you write your routes.php file.

Assuming it is similar to :


return function (App $app)
	$app->get('/route/1', ['App\Controllers\Route1Controller', 'method'])->name('route.1');
	// more routes here

Then replicating the structure into an other-routes.php file:


return function (App $app)
	$app->get('/route/2', ['App\Controllers\Route2Controller', 'method'])->name('route.2');
	// more routes here

Would allow you in your index.php :

(require __DIR__ . '/../app/routes.php')($app);
(require __DIR__ . '/../app/other-routes.php')($app);

of the more verbose way:

$routes = require __DIR__ . '/../app/routes.php';

$other_routes = require __DIR__ . '/../app/other-routes.php';

Hi sir, Thanks for your response.
But I exactly can’t get it what you trying to do say

Here is my routes.php file

return function (App $app) 
    $app->options('/{routes:.*}', function (Request $request, Response $response) 
        // CORS Pre-Flight OPTIONS Request Handler
        return $response;

Here is my new new php file called mobileregistration.php

return function (App $app) 
    $app->options('/{routes:.*}', function (Request $request, Response $response) 
        // CORS Pre-Flight OPTIONS Request Handler
        return $response;

In index.php file :

$routes = require __DIR__ . '/../app/routes.php';

$routes1 = require __DIR__ . '/../app/mobileregistration.php';

Here is my coding in both routes.php and mobileregistration.php file.
But Not worked and the following error will be appear.

ResponseError. Reason: Internal Server Error, Response: {
    "statusCode": 500,
    "error": {
        "type": "SERVER_ERROR",
        "description": "Cannot register two routes matching \"\/slim_project\/public\/(.*)\" for method \"OPTIONS\""

In the mobileregistration.php file, even I changed mobileregistration instead of routes in this place :

   ` $app->options('/{routes:.*}', function (Request $request, Response $response)` 

But did not worked.

Anyone Please tell me the correct configuration.


The error in this case would appear to suggest that while your code is correct in as much as calling it from index.php, you actually have two routes the same - ie both routes files register the same route:

$app->options(’/{routes:.*}’, );

Since the routing code does not permit duplicate routes - this would point to the easy solution of removing the duplicate - or at least making it conditional based on some arbitrary rule.

The other potential solution is to group all routes in one of your files under (for example) /mobile.

Hi sir,
I tried with lot of example coding but didn’t worked.
Can you please give me a coding samples for adding more php files in index.php?
And How to configure it?
