I want to do something logging like this
in some of the functions of routes.php i.e.
$app->add(function ($request, $handler) {
$response = $handler->handle($request);
But I’m getting server error:
"description": "ERROR: Undefined property: DI\\Container::$logger on line 26 in file \/var\/www\/html\/invAdminAPI\/app\/routes.php."
How to do this?
That hints helped me:
One more question:
how to “log” a $request inot a string ? or whatever $logger->info($request);
could manage?
You can log individual fields like the method and the URL as follows:
$method = $request->getMethod();
$url = (string)$request->getUri();
$this->logger->info(sprintf('%s %s', $method, $url));
Logging the entire $request
object is not recommended because of circular references.
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thx, your are right, logging $request object doesn’t make senes.
But at least something like
is working , which under laravel didn’t. So the battle can go on…