Hi team,
We made a simple API using Slim framework.
while see the result of coding in the Postman website we should configure our public folder in the command prompt.
For example:
E:\xampp\htdocs\slim_project\public>php -S localhost:8000
If we run this command then only the slim output was came correctly. Otherwise the error message was appear.
In our project, we are making a mobile application using B4X language.
In the application I can’t configure the above command in the command prompt.
Is there any possible to run the index.php file without run the command in the command prompt?
In browser I just give the whole directory name like localhost/slim_project/public
But it return the Method not allowed errro message.
I just want run the index.php without running this E:\xampp\htdocs\slim_project\public>php -S localhost:8000
command in command prompt.
Any suggestion ?