Little help needed with the containerbuilder -[SOLVED}

Im trying to add “Intervention Image” into my containerbuilder PHP-DI
The “intervention Image “ works when I create the instance inside the controllerclass

class ImageController extends BaseController
    public function store() {

      **//The following line of code works but I needs to be added to the containerbuilder**
      $manager = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager();  
     //Need to call the "make" from the containerbuilder interface

This is my Containerbuilder

namespace Ti;

use DI\Bridge\Slim\App as DIBridge;
use DI\ContainerBuilder;

class App extends DIBridge

    protected function configureContainer(ContainerBuilder $builder)
            'settings.displayErrorDetails' => true,
        $builder->addDefinitions(__DIR__ . '/../config/container.php');


Containerbuilder addDefinitions

return [RouterInterface::class => function (ContainerInterface $container)
        return $container->get('router');
    Twig::class => function (ContainerInterface $c)
    ResponseInterface::class => function (ContainerInterface $c)

// The problem is with the code below...Call to a member function make() on null
Image::class => function (ContainerInterface $c) 
        $manager = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager();
        return $manager;

Your container item id is Image::class but your class name is Intervention\Image\ImageManager::class.

Try to change the container item id to Intervention\Image\ImageManager::class.

\Intervention\Image\ImageManager::class => function (ContainerInterface $c) {
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Thanks Odan,

this was it…working