Middleware dynamic loading - code consultation appreciated

Recently I started playing a bit with Slim and I am really excited with possibilities that offers this solution. It’s not micro - it’s huge, it’s not "frame"work it’s "wide open gate"work. What is - sorry what was making me confused was a necessity of container and middleware hard coding ? What the heck is a separated of a controller the middleware idea ? Why the heck the request and response are so meaningfully underlined within application coding process ? Those 3 questions made my approach to Slim belated till the day before yesterday when (frankly speaking against myself) I started to look into the code and in the end I was chocked (in positive meaning of course).

But let’s get to the point. As because I am a staunch supporter of a dynamic loading and hmvc pattern, yesterday I wrote a piece of code for middleware dynamic loading that suits my preferences. Considering my programming skills limitations - I am more like a hobbyist than a professional programmer - would anybody be so kind and take a look optimize what I have done ? Thanks in advance.


'mwGETbefore' => [
        'cIndex'  => 'auth',
        'nClass'  => 'paneric\\engine\\middlewares\\Auth',
        'inject'  => ['session','access'],
        'cIndex'  => 'access',                  
        'nClass'  => 'paneric\\engine\\middlewares\\Access',
        'inject'  => ['session','csrfForgery'],
        'cIndex'  => 'csrfForgery',                 
        'nClass'  => 'paneric\\engine\\middlewares\\CsrfForgery',
        'inject'  => ['session','xssClean'],
        'cIndex'  => 'xssClean',                    
        'nClass'  => 'paneric\\engine\\middlewares\\XssClean',
        'inject'  => [],


/** Middleware : */ //=================================================
$middleware = function ($request, $response, $next) use ($container){

$method = $request->getMethod();

/** Trigger "BEFORE" : */ //-------------------------------------------
if ($this->get('settings')['mw'.$method.'before']){
    $settings = $this->get('settings')['mw'.$method.'before'];
    $request = $this['middlewareTrigger']->run($this, $request, $response, $method, $settings);

/** Trigger "ROUTE" : */ //--------------------------------------------
$response = $next($request, $response); 

/** Trigger "AFTER" : */ //--------------------------------------------
if ($this->get('settings')['mw'.$method.'after']){
    $settings = $this->get('settings')['mw'.$method.'after'];
    $response = $this['middlewareTrigger']->run($this, $request, $response, $method, $settings);

return $response;


/** CLASS MiddlewareTrigger */ //======================================
class MiddlewareTrigger{

/** public function run() */
public function run($cnt, $request, $response, $method, $settings = array())
    foreach ($settings as $mw)
        $cnt[$mw['cIndex']] = function ($c) use ($mw){
            return new $mw['nClass']();

    foreach ($settings as $mw)
        foreach ($mw['inject'] as $inject)
            $args[$mw['cIndex']][] = $cnt[$inject];

    return $cnt[$settings[0]['cIndex']]->run($request,$response,$args);


/** Routes : */ //=====================================================
$app->get('/[{params:.*}]', function ( $request, $response, $args) use($container)
    // trigger controller ...

    return $response;

Auth.php (example middleware “BEFORE”)

/** CLASS Auth */ //===================================================
class Auth{

private $wrapped;

/** public function run() */
public function run($request, $response,  $args = array())
    // class short name
    $cName = lcfirst((new \ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName());

    //pseudo injection
    $this->cSession = $args[lcfirst($cName)][0];
    // ...
    $this->wrapped = end($args[lcfirst($cName)]);

    // manipulate the request, maybe
    $request = $request->withAttribute($cName, true);

    // delegate to the middleware we wrap:
    return $this->wrapped->run($request, $response, $args);     