Setting DB environment in container

In my container my DB connection definition is as follows:

Connection::class => function (ContainerInterface $container) {

    $config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
    $connectionParams = $container->get('settings')['db'];
    $cnx = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams,$config);
    return $cnx;


This works just fine. I am about to implement DB audit tables and I would to set a DB environment variable each time a connection is injected into any repository. I can do this by setting a variable so my container would look like:

Connection::class => function (ContainerInterface $container) {

        $config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
        $connectionParams = $container->get('settings')['db'];
        $cnx = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams,$config);
        **$cnx->executeQuery('set @auditUserId=##');**
        return $cnx;


Where ## is the UID claim from the JWT. However, in Slim4 the request, and thus the JWT, isn’t available in the container definition. What’s the best way to accomplish this?

Correct, the DI container is not the best place to accomplish this.

Have you tried adding the variable inside a custom middleware?