Slim 4 get route identifier

I’m trying to get the route identifier but it returns null.

$app = \Slim\Factory\AppFactory::create();

$app->get('/', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) use ($app) {
    $response->getBody()->write('Hello World');
    $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
    return $response;


$identifier = $app->getRouteResolver()->computeRoutingResults($request->getUri(), $request->getMethod())->getRouteIdentifier();

Do you know the reason ?

You may add the middleware first…

$app = \Slim\Factory\AppFactory::create();

// Routes ...

… and start the Slim application to get the result:


I tried this:

$app = \Slim\Factory\AppFactory::create();

$app->get('/', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) use ($app) {
    $response->getBody()->write('Hello World');
    $response = $response->withAddedHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
    return $response;


$request = ServerRequestCreatorFactory::create()->createServerRequestFromGlobals();
var_dump($app->getRouteResolver()->computeRoutingResults($request->getUri(), $request->getMethod())->getRouteIdentifier());

But it returns null.

That’s not how Slim works. Slim creates its own ServerRequest variable. It makes no sense to create a custom ServerRequest “outside” the Slim scope. Afaik, you can only get the right route context within a middleware and controller action.

This should do the trick:

$app = \Slim\Factory\AppFactory::create();

$app->get('/', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $routeIdentifier = \Slim\Routing\RouteContext::fromRequest($request)->getRoutingResults()->getRouteIdentifier();

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Ah ok. I thought that slim just used the ServerRequestCreatorFactory to create the request object.

Ps. I saw some of your packages. Nice work. :wink:

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