Hi. I’m trying to read GET parameters using Slim4, but the method getQuery shows the query with question mark included, that affects the parsing when I’m reading parameters with getQueryParams
This is an example: getQueryParams
, query and uri request
[?page] => 1
[limit] => 10
uri:Slim\Psr7\Uri Object
[scheme:protected] => http
[user:protected] =>
[password:protected] =>
[host:protected] => localhost
[port:protected] => 80
[path:protected] => /3dm/3dmbovia/public/tdm/index.php/api/subscription
[query:protected] => ?page=1&limit=10
[fragment:protected] =>
I’m using
slim 4.0.0
slim/flash 0.4.0 Slim Framework Flash message service provider
slim/php-view 3.2.0 Render PHP view scripts into a PSR-7 Response object.
slim/psr7 1.6.1 Strict PSR-7 implementation
slim/slim 4.0.0 Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simp...
slim/twig-view 2.5.0 Slim Framework 3 view helper built on top of the Twig 2 templat...
Please help.