I am writing an app with Slim 3 at the moment.
Can you show an example of a proper integration test using Phpunit? It’s being said that subRequest is not here to stay. What is the proper way of executing and mocking requests?
This http call is supposed to fail and return 500 error response, but what I get is exception that bubbled up to the testing code, rather than to Slim error handler. Why is that so?
I did some research and, I believe, here is how one should write integration tests:
I created two helper methods one for making request object, another to call slim app and return response object.
// 1. Prepare the request object with all the required data:
protected function getRequest(string $method, string $path, array $data = [])
$method = strtoupper($method);
$request = Request::createFromEnvironment(Environment::mock([
'REQUEST_METHOD' => strtoupper($method),
'REQUEST_URI' => $path,
'QUERY_STRING' => ($method == "GET") ? http_build_query($data) : "",
$request = $request->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
if ($method == "POST") {
return $request;
// 2. call process() on slim app instance
protected function sendHttpRequest(
RequestInterface $request,
App $app = null
): Response {
if (!$app) {
$app = container()->get(App::class);
$response = $app->process($request, new Response());
return $response;
// 3. then run assertions on Response object
// Complete test would look like this:
$request = $this->getRequest("get", "/some");
$response = $this->sendHttpRequest($request, $app);
$this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
I strongly believe that documentation must contain a section of best testing practices for this framework. As of now, https://www.slimframework.com/docs/ has no such topic and that is a thing to think about.