Xdebug Netbeans Setup

I can’t seem to get xdebug working with Slim. Any ideas on how this can be done/setup? Note: Although I have not had issues yet, I would like to be able to step through the code when needed. So, if there is something other than xdebug to use with Slim, I’m all ears.


I have the same problem. Need to go through the code but seems to be looping through the index file.

How can i configure Netbeans and Xdebug for that ? (also i have running my Xdebug but cant get it work with slim framework)

Make sure that Xdebug is installed and all settings are correct. Here are some good installation instructions:

Installing Xdebug for XAMPP with PHP 7.x

Then change the Netbeans debugging options like this:

Thanks for the information and support.
I have reviewed it and also reviewed:

My Server is: PHP Version 7.0.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

  1. I have installed XDEBUG in my Ubuntu server, following the instructions of https://xdebug.org/wizard.php


Also, i have added the following: sudo nano /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/xdebug.ini

Restart: sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm and sudo service nginx restart

  1. After that in my phpinfo() i get:

The following steps were done in my laptop with WINDOWS 8.1
3) Then i have configured my Netbeans 8.2

  1. And my Putty

  1. After that, my Netbeans is connected

  2. After that, no matter what i do (F5, F7, F8), it loops through my public/index.php

Any idea of how to debug the controllers behind my INDEX.php ?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Please compare your settings with this screenshot.

  • Disable all checkboxes
  • Set output_buffering = Off in your php.ini file
  • Try to debug on your localhost first

Hi Odan,
Thank you very much, now, after several tests, its working with your last instructions

  1. I have modified the server configuration as follows: sudo nano /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini

And after that: sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm

The result:

  1. In my laptop:

The only difference was in the Session ID. But i left it because it matches with the one in my phpinfo(), as follows:

Note: Also, an additional post with TUNNELING, in order to avid forwarding ports, and avoiding firewalls

Thanks again !!!