How do i do slim errors

how to find the requested url on the server

I’m not certain I understand your question fully, but the server’s access log (if turned on) will show you the requested URL.

Actually, I do not know why I get this message when I write my Url on my browser "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."
500 Internal Error. how can I resolve this issue? Thanks.

The server’s log (Apache’s error log if you are using that) will contain the detailed error message.

This is what I get from my Apache Error log[“Tue Sep 05 16:33:21.378295 2017] [core:alert] [pid 3120:tid 840] [client] C:/wamp/www/ringo/src/public/.htaccess: Invalid command ‘RewriteEngine’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration”

There you go, there is something in your .htaccess file Apache doesn’t like. What is in C:/wamp/www/ringo/src/public/.htaccess? Is your mod_rewrite module enabled in Apache?

Please which file can be used to enable the mod_rewrite in apache.

I believe it depends on how you installed Apache and perhaps the OS it is running under as well.

Thank you for your understanding. I installed my Apache with Wampserver and the operating system is Windows 7

Probably depends on which version of Wampserver… but I’d have a look through this. (I’ve never used wampserver so I don’t really know.)

Thanks, I got over it. My hello joeblogs is working after enabling mod_rewrite on Apache httpd.conf file in Wampserver 2.5. I am very much gratefully for your understanding and may call back when the need arises.