Copy Slim project from local to webspace

Hi there,

my first few hours with slim and it’s really cool! As I’m PHP newbie I followed the „First Application“ Tutorial and got my first Slim app working on my local Mac using MAMP.

Then I tryed to copy the whole app folder to my webspace and also created the .htaccess file as described in the tutorial. But when I try the URL:

there is no message. The index.php file is triggered, but there is no output.

Did I miss something… ?

Thanks and ciao


Your web-server isn’t configured properly… it could be one of a dozen things…

Start out with what version of php your server is running…
Run this on the CLI: php -v

Slim requires php 5.5+

thanks for your quick reply.
And you are right: the PHP server runs PHP Version 5.3.28
Now I will check if I can change this some who… (never did before)

I’ve moved my project to a webserver that supports PHP 5.5+ and now it works!
Thanks again