Doctrine, Twig, Symfony Form integration with Slim 4

Hi there,

I am one of the biggest funs of slim, but unfortunately, in reality I am continuously forced to do different projects in Symfony. Recently I had some spare time and (not because I needed, but just wanted) decided to integrate few Symfony components along with PHP-DI, and Doctrine to find out if it can actually work toegether properly (especially Twig+Form+Validation).


What a surprise, it actually works and I wish to share with you the results, as a prove that actually Slim is not only kind of api skeleton, but it can serve as a base for much bigger chalenges. I am very curious of any remarks and suggestions.


Thank you for this great project starter, I wonder how did you handle PSR7 requests instead of Symfony HttpFoundation requests?

Got it, you have a base class for services that does the conversion!
Thank you again!

You’re welcome, sorry for delay, but You know, summer holidays :slight_smile:

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This project really got me the heap of new ideas, how to use Symfony forms with Slim.

Thanks you veeery much!

These days, I am trying to get how to use Slim/Sym Form/CSRF without the heavy Symfony HTTP foundation Session package. And to replace it for lightweight odan/session or for staff like that.

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I am glad you found it useful. :smiley: