How i can reuse try catch block in route?

Hello, guys!
My api-oriented application has the following structure in routes

$app->group("/api/v1/auth", function() {
$this->get("/login", function($request, $response, $args) {
	try {
		$params = array_map("trim", $request->getParams());
		$v = new AuthValidate($params);
		if($v->fail()) {
			throw new CustomException(error_create($v->errors()));
		if($this->auth->attempt($params['email'], $params['password'])) {
			return $response->withJSON([
				"data" => "ok"
	} catch (CustomException $e) {
		$error = error_exception($e->getMessage());
		return $response->withJSON(["errors" => $error]);
	} catch (\Exception $e) {
		return $response->withJSON([
			"errors" => error_exception("error")

$this->get("/logout", function($request, $response, $args) {
	try {
		if(Auth::getCookie()) {
			return $response->withJSON([
				"data" => "ok"
	} catch (CustomException $e) {
		$error = error_exception($e->getMessage());
		return $response->withJSON(["errors" => $error]);
	} catch (\Exception $e) {
		return $response->withJSON([
			"errors" => error_exception("error")


I specially placed 2 routes to show - the block of try catch is repeated everywhere. How can I get around this?
I myself see 2 options - either to redefine the standard way to send errors to api slim (how can this be done?), Or somehow, through a function or through controllers, can make this block into a function

Or how i can redeclare protected function renderJsonErrorMessage(Exception $exception)

You could add the try/catch block into a middleware and add the middleware to the specific routes / route groups where you need it.