I want to send my data to database with about 3 to 4 images. Also fetch it with RESR API

I’ve almost completed this Android App project before I realized that I need to upload the products with pictures. Subscribers will have to register the product with image and I’ll have to upload it using REST API in android studio.
I just started using Slim Framework and it is just the best for me and I want to learn more about it. I’m just a beginner.

Below is my code without images and please I need help to learn how to add images to it.
Below is my “DbOperationsProperties.php”


class PropertyDetails
    private $con;

    function __construct()
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/DbConnect.php';
        $db = new DbConnect;
        $this->con = $db->connect();

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    public function createUserPrDt(
    ) {
        if (!$this->isPlotNumberExist($plotNumber)) {
            $stmt = $this->con->prepare(
                "INSERT INTO property_register_propdetails 
                                                      (personalIdCode, propertyType, propertyLocation 
                                                      plotNumber, propertySize, propertyTitle, propertyPurpose, 
                                                       propertyNetPrice, propertyDescription) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, 
                                                       ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
            if ($stmt->execute()) {
                return USER_CREATED;
            } else {
                return USER_FAILURE;
        return USER_EXISTS;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    public function getAllUsersPrDt()
        $stmt = $this->con->prepare(
            "SELECT id, personalIdCode, propertyType, 
                                                       propertyLocation, plotNumber, propertySize,
                                                      propertyTitle, propertyPurpose, propertyNetPrice, 
                                                      propertyDescription FROM 
        $users = array();
        while ($stmt->fetch()) {
            $user = array();
            $user['id'] = $id;
            $user['personalIdCode'] = $personalIdCode;
            $user['propertyType'] = $propertyType;
            $user['propertyLocation'] = $propertyLocation;
            $user['plotNumber'] = $plotNumber;
            $user['propertySize'] = $propertySize;
            $user['propertyTitle'] = $propertyTitle;
            $user['propertyPurpose'] = $propertyPurpose;
            $user['propertyNetPrice'] = $propertyNetPrice;
            $user['propertyDescription'] = $propertyDescription;
            array_push($users, $user);
        return $users;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public function getUserPrDtByPlotNumber($plotNumber)
        $stmt = $this->con->prepare(
            "SELECT id, personalIdCode, propertyType, 
                                                          propertyLocation, plotNumber, propertySize,
                                                         propertyTitle, propertyPurpose, propertyNetPrice, 
                                                         propertyDescription FROM  property_register_propdetails 
                                                         WHERE plotNumber = ?"
        $stmt->bind_param("s", $plotNumber);
        $user = array();
        $user['id'] = $id;
        $user['personalIdCode'] = $personalIdCode;
        $user['propertyType'] = $propertyType;
        $user['propertyLocation'] = $propertyLocation;
        $user['plotNumber'] = $plotNumber;
        $user['propertySize'] = $propertySize;
        $user['propertyTitle'] = $propertyTitle;
        $user['propertyPurpose'] = $propertyPurpose;
        $user['propertyNetPrice'] = $propertyNetPrice;
        $user['propertyDescription'] = $propertyDescription;
        return $user;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------

    public function updateUsersPrDt(
    ) {
        $stmt = $this->con->prepare(
            "UPDATE property_register_propdetails SET 
                                                      personalIdCode = ?, propertyType = ?,
                                                      propertyLocation = ?, plotNumber = ?, propertySize = ?, 
                                                      propertyTitle = ?, propertyPurpose = ?, propertyNetPrice = 
                                                      ?, propertyDescription = ? WHERE id = ?"
        if ($stmt->execute()) {
            return true;
        return false;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------

    public function deleteUserPrDt($id)
        $stmt = $this->con->prepare(
            "DELETE FROM property_register_propdetails WHERE 
                                                          id = ?"
        $stmt->bind_param("i", $id);
        if ($stmt->execute()) {
            return true;
        return false;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private function isPlotNumberExist($plotNumber)
        $stmt = $this->con->prepare(
            "SELECT id  FROM  property_register_propdetails 
                                                       WHERE plotNumber = ?"
        $stmt->bind_param("s", $plotNumber);
        return $stmt->num_rows > 0;


Below is my “index.php”


$app->post('/createuserprdt', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    if (!haveEmptyParameters(array(
    ), $request, $response)) {
        $request_data = $request->getParsedBody();

        $personalIdCode = $request_data['personalIdCode'];
        $propertyType = $request_data['propertyType'];
        $propertyLocation = $request_data['propertyLocation'];
        $plotNumber = $request_data['plotNumber'];
        $propertySize = $request_data['propertySize'];
        $propertyTitle = $request_data['propertyTitle'];
        $propertyPurpose = $request_data['propertyPurpose'];
        $propertyNetPrice = $request_data['propertyNetPrice'];
        $propertyDescription = $request_data['propertyDescription'];

        $db = new PropertyDetails;

        $result = $db->createUserPrDt(

        if ($result == USER_CREATED) {
            $message = array();
            $message['error'] = false;
            $message['message'] = 'Form subitted successfully';


            return $response
                ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
        } else {
            if ($result == USER_FAILURE) {
                $message = array();
                $message['error'] = true;
                $message['message'] = 'Some error occurred';


                return $response
                    ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
            } else {
                if ($result == USER_EXISTS) {
                    $message = array();
                    $message['error'] = true;
                    $message['message'] = 'Error...!!! Plot Number Already Exist';


                    return $response
                        ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
    return $response
        ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')

$app->get('/allusersprdt', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $db = new PropertyDetails;

    $users = $db->getAllUsersPrDt();

    $response_data = array();

    $response_data['error'] = false;
    $response_data['users'] = $users;


    return $response
        ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')

$app->get('/getuserprdt/{plotNumber}', function (
    Request $request,
    Response $response,
    array $args
) {
    $plotNumber = $args['plotNumber'];

    $db = new PropertyDetails;

    $users = $db->getUserPrDtByPlotNumber($plotNumber);

    $response_data = array();

    $response_data['error'] = false;
    $response_data['users'] = $users;


    return $response
        ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

$app->put('/updateusersprdt/{id}', function (
    Request $request,
    Response $response,
    array $args
) {
    $id = $args['id'];

    if (!haveEmptyParameters(array(
    ), $request, $response)) {
        $request_data = $request->getParsedBody();

        $personalIdCode = $request_data['personalIdCode'];
        $propertyType = $request_data['propertyType'];
        $propertyLocation = $request_data['propertyLocation'];
        $plotNumber = $request_data['plotNumber'];
        $propertySize = $request_data['propertySize'];
        $propertyTitle = $request_data['propertyTitle'];
        $propertyPurpose = $request_data['propertyPurpose'];
        $propertyNetPrice = $request_data['propertyNetPrice'];
        $propertyDescription = $request_data['propertyDescription'];
        $id = $request_data['id'];

        $db = new PropertyDetails;

        if ($db->updateUsersPrDt(
        )) {
            $response_data = array();
            $response_data['error'] = false;
            $response_data['message'] = 'User Update Successfully';
            //      $user = $db->getUserPrDtByPlotNumber($plotNumber);
            //      $response_data['user'] = $user;


            return $response
                ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
        } else {
            $response_data = array();
            $response_data['error'] = true;
            $response_data['message'] = 'Please try again later';
            //      $user = $db->getUserPrDtByPlotNumber($plotNumber);
            //      $response_data['user'] = $user;


            return $response
                ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
    return $response
        ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

$app->delete('/deleteuserprdt/{id}', function (
    Request $request,
    Response $response,
    array $args
) {
    $id = $args['id'];

    $db = new PropertyDetails;

    if ($db->deleteUserPrDt($id)) {
        $response_data['error'] = false;
        $response_data['message'] = 'User has been deleted';
    } else {
        $response_data['error'] = true;
        $response_data['message'] = 'Please try again later';


    return $response
        ->withHeader('content-type', 'application/json')

function haveEmptyParameters($required_params, $request, $response)
    $error = false;
    $error_params = '';
    $request_params = $request->getParsedBody();

    foreach ($required_params as $param) {
        if (!isset($request_params[$param]) || strlen($request_params[$param]) <= 0) {
            $error = true;
            $error_params .= $param . ', ';

    if ($error) {
        $error_detail = array();
        $error_detail['error'] = true;
        $error_detail['message'] = 'Required parameters ' . substr($error_params, 0, -2) . ' are 
                                                  missing or empty';
    return $error;


BELOW is my “Constant.php”


define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'root');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '');
define('DB_NAME', 'stanbaize');
define('USER_CREATED', 101);
define('USER_EXISTS', 102);
define('USER_FAILURE', 103);
define('USER_AUTHENTICATED', 201);
define('USER_NOT_FOUND', 202);
define('PASSWORD_CHANGED', 301);
define('PASSWORD_DO_NOT_MATCH', 302);
define('PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED', 303);

I use Postman to run my check. this code is working, and like I said, I need to add three to four pictures to the form.

To add image upload functionality to your Android app using Slim Framework, you need to modify the API endpoints to handle file uploads.

Please read here: Uploaded Files

You may also need to modify the database to store the filenames of the uploaded images, and you may also modify the Android app to upload images along with the other data. To retrieve the images, you could add an endpoint that returns the images according to a certain user-specific parameter.