Ajax with Slim Framework

Hi! Sorry my bad english.
The project is a poll system with voting in 'starlets’
I have a problem in my Ajax. I’m using Slim framework with Eloquent
Project on github: https://github.com/noebezerra/survey-slim

I have an ajax (app.twig):

$('.stars-default').click(function(e) {
        url: '../app/routes.php',
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'html',
        data: {valor: pointStar, qtdperguntas: qtdperguntas},
    .done(function(data) {
    .fail(function() {

It returns me an Array (pointStar) which is the amount of stars
selected for each question and the amount of questions that have in the
poll (qtdperguntas).

namespace App\Controllers;

	 use App\Models\PollAnswers;


	 class Poll extends Controller {

         public function poll() {

			$qtdperguntas = $_GET['qtdperguntas'];
			$result = '[';
			for ($i=0; $i < $qtdperguntas; $i++) { 
				if ($i < $qtdperguntas - 1) {
					$result .= '"'.$_GET['valor'][$i].'",';
				} else {
					$result .= '"'.$_GET['valor'][$i].'"';
			$result .= ']';

			$userpoll = PollAnswers::where('id_user', '=', $_SESSION['user']);
			if (!$userpoll) {
					'id_user' => $_SESSION['user'],
					'answers' => $result
				echo "insert";
			} else {
				$userpoll->answers = $result;
				echo "update";


namespace App\Controllers;

	class Controller {
		protected $container;

		public function __construct($container) {
			$this->container = $container;

		public function __get($property) {
			if ($this->container->{$property}) {
				return $this->container->{$property};

namespace App\Models;

	use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

	class PollAnswers extends Model {
		protected $table = 'poll_answers';

		protected $fillable = array('id_user', 'id_poll_question', 'answers');

When the ajax gets there on the page gives the following error:
Fatal error: Class ‘Controller’ not found in /var/www/html/survey-slim/app/Controllers/Poll.php on line 14, referer: http://localhost/survey-slim/public/

It seems that it does not recognize my class. Does anyone have a
suggestion? As the project is on github feel avontade to contribute =)