Is it possible to install Slim without Pimple?

I like my dependencies to stay as small as possible, and I am using a different container implementation. Is there any reason for Pimple to be a required dependency if I do not use Slim’s container (or Pimple)? Is there some way to instruct Composer to not install Pimple?

I don’t think this is possible in Slim 3 with the available Composer commands. You can tell Composer to ignore platform requirements, but that doesn’t apply to Pimple.

I believe what you are looking for is being discussed for Slim 4 though. Depending on your desired outcome, you might be able to do something with a deploy script or gitignore file.

FWIW, I have the same case as I too don’t use Pimple within Slim 3, but I just ignore that Pimple is there as it doesn’t cause any side effects.