I’d like to show off my Slim Framework creation - snippet.host. Initially, it was an internal project for sharing code snippets among my group of acquitances. After some time, it got discovered by other people, and now there are several regular users.
For me personally, it was a great way to learn the framework and build a fully-functioning, production web app. Because the app is focused on being as lean as possible, Slim is a perfect fit due to it not being bloated like the other frameworks, allowing for a fast page load size and great control over the development process.
Some features:
- miniscule page size and load time
- syntax highlighting (pygments)
- private snippets, user accounts
- two-factor authentication
- CORS support, static snippets
- no ads, trackers
- works without JS (focus on progressive enhancement)
- also available as Tor hidden service
…and much more.
The website is available on: https://snippet.host
Enjoy using the app! Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Best regards,