TL;DR I gave up
On my way searching for a PHP Backend which does only regular RESTful CRUD with a Login/Logut Auth as addon, I started with Laravel and at least got it worked until the authentication stuff cames up to do.
But it was not possible for me after 2 whole weeks of struggle&research to get it done with this god damn airlock/sanctum beast.
So I left that PHP Monster Laravel in searching on again for a lightweighted, more ‘simple’ structured PHP backend framework.
At first sight, I thought I found it with Slim… but wide of the mark!
Slim4 is really more complicated, more murky than everything else I saw before.
Yeah, great: there are skeletons. Bt in the end, they really didn’t helped me out to reach my aim.
The big, fullstacked one (“odan/slim4-skeleton”) was impossible to understand and unable to strip it down being a simple RESTFul Backend, with Login/Logout Auth and session stuff (CSRF or same site cookies)…
and two others, more tiny skeletons (slim/slim-skeleton and odan/slim4-tutorial )
were too different to understand why they are different and I even was not able finally to get a least one simple GET request running to fetch a real “SQL select” from my existing databases.
Only thinking about how much efforts I had to spend at the very begining to get it run with apache’s server and even Cors was an obstacle because it was just done very hidden in the “slim/slim-skeleton” and led to misunderstandings.
Unfortunately the “slim/slim-skeleton” has no documentation in how to amplify it with auth and a real, just existing MySql database.
And the stuff from odan has plenty of documentations.
Very well, but it doesn’t help a newbie to get success.
It seems to be, that it needs month of trainings and exercises first, only in getting you something like i.e. “dependencies injection container” in your mind, not to mention all the other stuff. Hell!
So you may ask now, what a moron is writing here?!
I worked for many yrs as a professional C++ developer and since 2009 I began developing many Intranet frontend projects with ExtJS.
But Sencha has buried itself some yrs ago now and I started with Vue and made successful, pretty frontends with the help of Quasar, Axios, Vuex and all the other great helpers out there.
Really, these frameworks were all pretty much easier understandable than those PHP Backend monsters!
Sure, I must confess, that my PHP knowledge is obviously somewhat of PHP4, but I thought many concepts I know of ES6 and further would help me out… again, wide of the mark!
Although I even managed Eloquent ORM in Laravel!!!
Of course: Node, Express, Knex, Objection, Paseto Auth, and so on, aren’t easy aswell, but at least:
It’s ES6
But I have no choice to use it in production environment (only PHP available).
I think, there are many frontend fellows out there, who just got ready frontends in the javascript world and are looking for an easy way to get its data from a PHP RESTFull backend with an secure authentication - and nothing self-tinkered.
So it would be great, maybe to provide such a slim4-skeleton. It should ends up in doing all the GETs, PUTs, POSTs, DELETES, Auth at the postman’s interface.
Maybe it would bring slim to an wider audience, than having perceived only one expert here: odan
Just my 2ct.